How to create great video content for business

by | Marketing

5 Easy Content Ideas for Creating Videos For Your Business

Keen to get started on making your own videos to help marketing your business but not too keen to get in front of the camera yourself? There are ways you can create great content without becoming the personality or front man for your business.

Firstly, let’s look at why creating video content is so important to your business.
Youtube only ranks second in Australia behind Facebook as the most used social media platform with over 16.5 million unique active users each month. The top reasons people are engaging with video on YouTube is to be entertained, to relax, and to learn using ‘How To’ videos and to stay informed.

Video plays an important part in your marketing strategy because statistics show that videos are 80% more likely to be shared than static content which in turn helps your brand’s reach and engagement.

Here’s five top ideas on how to integrate video into your business marketing – and don’t use the video just once! Start a Youtube channel, host it on your website and link back from your social media platforms to help your search engine optimisation.

‘How to’ videos

Ever used YouTube to learn how to make pasta, cast on a row of knitting, mend a tear in a piece of clothing or even fix a blocked drain? You’re not alone. YouTube is used daily by millions of Australians wanting to learn more, relax, mediate or get the latest information about what is happening in the world.

Video how to’s can be used to establish your credentials in a busy marketplace and if the quality of your advice is good, people who are interested in what you have to say, your products or your services, won’t just stop at one video. Don’t overthink ‘how to’ videos. You may know how to do something, but most people don’t. And don’t get too involved. Concentrate on keeping your videos short and to the point and tackle just one subject at a time.

Personalised introductions

Video builds familiarity with your audience. You should use video to introduce and humanise your staff, build their credentials and show how they can help solve a customer’s problem.

Get your staff to introduce themselves and create their own videos on what they do in the business. By using staff to engage, you’re making the first introduction a lot easier and your prospective customers feel they ‘know’ the staff member already when it comes time for them to buy.

Feature demonstrations

Demonstrate how to use your products, ways that people can integrate them into their daily life or before and after shots on how your product or service has improved the life of your customer.

You can demonstrate the benefits of using one product over another, how to display a product properly or show people a series of steps how they can benefit from using your product, saving them time or money, or both!

Behind the scenes

How is your product created? What is involved in how you provide your services? People love to go behind the scenes to learn more about what you do and get to know the team. Take them to job sites, into the lunch room at work, people’s work spaces to demystify your business. You might think it’s not exciting, but your followers may think otherwise.


What questions do you get asked by your customers? Videos offer the perfect opportunity to answer those questions ahead of time and encourage people to contact you and it’s much more personal than a dry FAQ section on your website.

You could even ask your followers on social media what questions they have about your product or service and answer those in future videos.

Whiteboard Storytelling

Need to draw a diagram? You can get caught up in learning how to do complicated screen sharing on video or you can just position yourself or your camera and focus on a whiteboard session. Not everyone learns from listening or reading about a topic, many people love to see it explained in pictures! If your product or service has a number of steps – you can outline them on a whiteboard and make it easier for your audience to understand the process.

You don’t have to be a Hollywood actor to make a video. The biggest mistake most people make is overthinking the content or being too critical of their performance or content. So start small and start building your video library and start being ‘seen’ by your customers across your website, YouTube and your social media platforms.

Good content should be seen, so use it over and over again to reach and engage more customers.

Cheryl Jowitt is co-founder of Rebel Connect PL, a family owned and operated Australian business that provides total marketing solutions. Rebel Connect clients have access to advertising across the company’s radio networks, Rebel FM & the Breeze and Rebel Agency, a digital marketing solutions company providing website development, SEM and social media marketing strategies.