Is your business website stopping you from getting the leads you need to grow your business?

by | Business Growth

I come across a lot of businesses who know that their website isn’t the best, but are reluctant to do anything about it. Sometimes, it’s a cash flow thing or just that they do not know where to start.

Your website is like your bricks and mortar shop front and should be treated with respect. It’s usually the first point of contact you have with a client and if it doesn’t present well, it could be costing you money.

More people than ever before are clued up on what they want, the cost and even your competitors before they reach out to you.

Your website becomes the most important tool in your business toolbox.

It has to speak for itself as there is no one on your website to do the sell. It needs to have great photos, good graphics and exceptional content.
Your content needs to lead the visitor to exactly where you need them – that is your contact form or other desired means of conversion.

Most people will ‘Google’ your business before they decide to use your products or services.

If you are currently advertising, you could be costing yourself money and customers by not considering the condition of your online store (website) before starting.

If you are not ready to get a new website or if your website is badly designed, prone to errors, not delivering the conversions you need, or costing you money, you could consider a lead generation landing page.

What is a lead generation landing page?

It’s a page that is designed exclusively to get conversions from your advertising. Lead-generating landing pages are not designed to rank with search engines, just convert clients to a contact form for your digital marketing.

It has its own domain name and is hosted like a normal website. You can track analytics like your regular website and your webdev team can get it up and running quite quickly.

Lead generation landing pages include tailored content that speaks directly to your prospective customer, answering their questions and solving their problems!

They are designed to qualify your prospects – that is weed out the casual browsers and get quality leads who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

By focusing solely on lead capture, these pages have a higher likelihood of converting visitors compared to regular web pages.

They also allow for easy A/B Testing. You get to know what messaging is getting more results for you.

You can quickly test different elements to find out what resonates best with your audience, creating higher engagement and more conversions over time.

Rebel Agency is a Brand Development and Marketing agency based on the Northern Gold Coast.

We specialise in building the tools that businesses need to effectively compete in today’s market. We do web design and development, graphic design packages, video, digital marketing and SEO

If you would like more information about creating a lead generation landing page, get in touch with us at or look us up and check out our work at

Cheryl Jowitt is co-founder of Rebel Connect PL, a family owned and operated Australian business that provides total marketing solutions. Rebel Connect clients have access to advertising across the company’s radio networks, Rebel FM & the Breeze and Rebel Agency, a digital marketing solutions company providing website development, SEM and social media marketing strategies.